Tuesday, May 7, 2019

STOP NOAHIDE LAW takes our message to the streets of New York

22 March 2015
Bryant Park/42nd Street New York Public Library

In March of 2015 STOP NOAHIDE LAW took our message to the streets of New York with demonstrations outside the New York Public Library at Bryant Park on 42nd Street and on 125th street in Harlem. We passed out hundreds if not thousands of fliers and were able to speak to many passersby about the Jewish Noahide Laws and repealing US Public Law 102-14.  A group of religious Jews tried to have us removed by reporting to the police we were engaging in "anti-Semitism", but the officers said we were practicing our freedom of speech and our signs did not qualify as hate speech. 

15 March 2015
125th Street In Harlem