Change . org has taken down the Stop Noahide Law anti-Noahide petition. No ethnic or racial slurs were used and race was never mentioned. No threats were issued. This was a petition to repeal laws in the USA that are both offensive and inaccurate, and I explained why. The petition had almost 7,500 supporters. Other pro-Noahide petitions remain up. There was nothing wrong with that petition, this is obvious censorship from Jews and Noahidist Christians or Noahides.
Thursday, August 31, 2023
Thursday, August 17, 2023
Just Wow! Babylon Bee says nothing wrong with Noahide Laws after Noahidist Jew misrepresents as endorsing Noahide Law
This is hard to believe. Ok, so there is a very pro-Noahide Jewish news service called Israel365. On their website, they featured an article stating that Babylon Bee had established Noahic covenant month and strongly implied this was about the Noahide Laws. I immediately got suspicious over the word "Noahic". There are dozens of spellings of Noahide but never anywhere have I ever seen "Noahic" in a Jewish text. The only time I ever ever find this spelling is in Christian texts to describe the biblical covenant god made with Noah with the rainbow promising to never flood the earth again, the one that is actually found in the Torah unlike the 7 Noahide Laws found in the Talmud. I got suspicious and emailed Babylon Bee. They said they did not endorse the Noahide Laws in their article but that there is nothing wrong with them! This is run by Christians, I didn't even know. Well, at least you know where Babylon Bee stands, as for me I am boycotting them. If this upsets you please contact them and complain.
Re: General Contact Form
| 12:55 PM (1 hour ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Name: Vincent Bruno
Reason: general
Message: Hi, did you really endorse the Noahide Laws like Israel 365 says you did? noahic-covenant-month/
Vincent Bruno | 1:18 PM (50 minutes ago) | ||
| 1:28 PM (40 minutes ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||

| 1:36 PM (32 minutes ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Babylon Bee Declares “Noahic Covenant Month”
Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz
JUNE 9, 2023
Home » Babylon Bee Declares “Noahic Covenant Month”
On Thursday, the Babylon Bee, a conservative Christian news satire website, sent an e-mail to its subscribers declaring Juse to be Noaihic Covenant Month:
“It’s June again, which means we’re once again celebrating God’s promise to never again destroy mankind by flood ever again, despite its horrible wretchedness,” the email read. “This also happens to be the month when everyone starts wondering what gender they are or what gender even means.”
To celebrate the month, the Babylon Bee, which touts itself as “fake news you can trust”, was offering its “Guide to Gender” for sale on Amazon. The book, listed as #1 in the religious humor category, presents “the two ‘original gangsta’ genders—male and female—shows us the progressively insane slide into the multiplying number of genders that has lately been spiraling out of control.” It also includes the following:
How to tell if you are a man or a woman
How to choose your gender
How to change genders if the mood strikes
Interviews with experts in which we ask, “What the heck is a woman, anyway?”
Comprehensive coverage of all the imaginary genders besides men and women
Hall of fame: best men and best women in human history
“Use it to teach your kids before their first-grade teacher does!!” the creators suggest.
The Babylon Bee was responding to June being declared LGBT Pride Month in 1999 by President Bill Clinton and dedicated to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) “pride”. While President Obama expanded the federal aspects of the month, President Trump declined to continue the federal recognition of Pride Month.
Allie Beth Stuckey, a conservative commentator, posted an inspiring Instagram response in support of the Babylon Bee’s initiative
“Happy Noahic Covenant Month, friends, where we recognize a symbol of God’s faithfulness: the rainbow! (Genesis 9) Unlike the pride flag, which only has 6 colors, the real rainbow has 7 colors, which is the Biblical number of completion and perfection. It’s a great month to double down on our Spirit-powered efforts to honor the Lord, speak truth, and love our neighbors. The rainbow belongs to God—always has, always will!”
The Noahic (or Noahide) Covenant was made between God and Noah, his family, and all living creatures after Noah and his family exited the ark after the floodwaters dried (Genesis 9:9). All of humanity is descended from Noah’s sons, the sole survivors of the flood. While Jews are required to observe the commandments written in the Torah, the other nations are expected as a minimum requirement to observe seven laws that God gave mankind before the Flood:
1. Prohibition against murder – Genesis 4:23-24, 9:6
2. Prohibition against idolatry – Genesis 4:26
3. Prohibition against blasphemy – Genesis 4:26
4. Prohibition of sexual misconduct – Genesis 1:28, 4:22, 6:3, 6:12
5. Prohibition against failure to establish courts – Genesis 1:28, 9:6
6. Prohibition against theft – Genesis 6:11
7. Prohibition against eating live meat (e.g. tearing the limb off of a living animal and eating it) – Genesis 9:4
As a sign of the covenant, God placed the rainbow in the sky. In Jewish tradition, the rainbow symbolized sexual purity. While male homosexuality is expressly prohibited in the Torah and, as such, violates the fourth Noahide Law, the LGBT movement has cynically adopted the sign of the covenant (i.e. the rainbow) as its symbol.
In its characteristic comedic style, the Babylon Bee published a satirical article relating to this egregious case of cultural appropriation:
“Scholars of the Hebrew Bible at Israel’s Bar Ilan University have discovered new fine print in the Noahic Covenant,” they wrote. “The divine vow to never again flood the earth is rendered “null and void,” experts explain, if humanity ever co-opts the rainbow into a widespread and ongoing campaign for weird sex stuff.”
“The Covenant has traditionally been called ‘unconditional,’ but the underlying verbiage enumerates clear limiting principles: the flag being used to symbolize debased and unnatural sex acts, for example, would remove humanity’s legal protection against another flood.” Lead researcher Avi Goldstein introduced the panel of legal, biblical, and archaeological scholars at his University’s conference “God’s Bow, Noah’s Boat, And A Deluge Of Perversion.”
Monday, August 14, 2023
Huge News! Lutheran Church goes Noahide
This is the biggest news in the Noahide movement in quite some time, and I think it is even bigger than the Vatican going Noahide. The Largest Luthern body in America (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) has on its official website suggested that the seven loaves of bread Jesus handed out to the masses to feed them could represent the seven Noahide Laws. This is so big because this is the first organized Protestant church to recognize the Noahide Laws. And all this with Luther being one of the greatest Anti-Semites in history. Next will go Methodist, Anglican (which is already infiltrated), Episcopalian, and so on until all the centralized Churches are Noahides, then will come disorganized Christianity, but the Noahide takeover has officially come to Protestantism.
Lectionary blog: Both spiritual and material
By Cory DriverJuly 31, 2023

Lectionary for Aug 6, 2023
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Isaiah 55:1-5; Psalm 145:8-9, 14-21;
Romans 9:1-5; Matthew 14:13-21
One of my favorite seminary professors, Joy J. Moore, used to say, “When you preach, make sure it’s not all ‘pie in the sky,’ but give me some ‘chicken in the kitchen’ and ‘ham where I am.” All too often some Christians focus on God’s spiritual work to the exclusion of God’s material work. This week, the lectionary helps us reframe and refocus on the works of God as both spiritual and material.
The appointed Psalm brings one of the most beautiful portraits of God’s care for creation. The psalmist proclaims that all eyes look to God and that God feeds them in their due time (Psalm 145:15). There is no reason to limit this understanding of God’s provision to humans only. If God provides for our needs, certainly, and maybe even more so, God provides for the wild things of this earth.
Then the psalmist provides a stunning image of God opening the divine hand to satisfy the desires of all living things. This is an opportunity to lean into the frequent biblical language about God’s body and how God chooses to use it. As one example, God’s arms are mighty to save (Exodus 6:6, Deuteronomy 5:15, Isaiah 59:1, Luke 1:51, Acts 13:17, John 12:38). Here we have the image of God lowering a divine palm, heaped and overflowing with desirable food, to feed all life, as a child would feed a beloved pet.
As often happened, crowds came out from the cities to find Jesus to both hear about the kingdom of heaven and to have their needs met.
Next we turn to a famous passage in Isaiah about God’s provision. God, through the prophet, challenges people to truly and unabashedly receive gracious provision. Why spend money for that which does not satisfy? Why not instead receive the bread, water, milk and wine that God provides for free? Often, as I’ve preached on this passage, I’ve spiritualized it, seeing this as an allusion to God’s free mercy and grace. And that may well be what is in view here. But for those hearing the prophet’s words as a populace returning from captivity and exile and looking to establish homes and livelihoods, receiving free food and drink was grace and mercy. How often are we preaching “pie in the sky” when people need “chicken in their kitchen”? It doesn’t have to be an either/or proposition, as Jesus points out.
After Jesus was told about the political assassination of his relative, John the Baptizer, he tried to find a secluded place to be alone with his thoughts. As often happened, crowds came out from the cities to find Jesus to both hear about the kingdom of heaven and to have their needs met. Jesus met the crowd with compassion and healed the sick among them. Yet, after a long day of healing, he wasn’t finished providing for the people. Instead of sending them away to buy food, as the disciples had suggested, Jesus multiplied bread and fish to feed 5,000 men, in addition to all the women and children (Matthew 14:21).
Now, as often happens, folks will hurry to talk about the symbolism of the action. Maybe the five loaves are the five books of the Torah and the two fish are the two great prophets Moses and Elijah. And maybe the crowd for this feeding was mostly/exclusively Jews from the Galilee, symbolized by the 12 baskets of leftovers. Maybe this should be contrasted with the seven loaves (seven Noahide laws?) and a “few small fish” (maybe lesser prophets who spoke to Gentiles?) that Jesus multiplies for the crowd of 4,000 men, plus women and children, in the next chapter of Matthew. Maybe the seven large baskets of leftover food symbolize the Gentiles as seven nations driven out of the land. Maybe, maybe, maybe .…
Matthew (and Mark) is careful to describe the story of Jesus multiplying food for thousands of people, on multiple occasions, with multiple baskets of leftovers that shouldn’t be wasted. We can (and should!) study symbolism and meanings in the actions of the great parable-teller from Galilee. While doing so, we also must not lose sight of the forest for the trees. Jesus had compassion on hungry people and used his God-given power to feed them!
We are Christians because of God’s grace, to be sure. As we share grace with those around us, let us never separate spiritual grace from material grace. God doesn’t. Jesus doesn’t. Scripture doesn’t. God serves up pie in the sky and chicken in your kitchen. Let us do the same.