Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The mandatory nature of the Noahide Laws

We have shown that there is no need for a Sanhedrin in order for the Noahide Laws to be implemented (here). In this section, from the quotes below, you can see that Jews are indeed obligated to enforce the Noahide Laws. Rabbi Schneerson said non-Jews should be compelled to follow the Noahide Laws by "force" if possible, if not through "pleasantness and peace". He also said non-Jews adhering to the Noahide laws would "constitute a 'complete victory' over these nations" If a non-Jew sees another non-Jew breaking a Noahide Law and does not put him to death (presumably by a Noahide court), s/he is to be put to death. Jewish courts are said to be obligated to try non-Jews. Jews say there are good reason to implement the Noahide death penalty now. Other Jews have made it clear that Judaism is not just a national religion but "universal" in the application of the Noahide Laws. Jews are also obligated to "persuade" non-Jews to keep the Noahide Laws. In the quotes below you will see a lot of the use of words like "coerce", "demand", "obligate" and other synonyms for mandatory. Some Noahide apologists will tell you that these demands do not apply in the modern age when there is no Sanhedrin, though we have already shown this is not true (here) and the current unofficial Sanhedrin is seeking international recognition (here). Another piece of misinformation is that these demands only apply within the land of Israel, but we can see from the quotes below it is repeatedly stated these demands apply to all of humanity.


Rabbi Schneerson say Jews are obligated to make sure the Noahide Laws are kept even by "force", if not through pleasantness and peace

It is obvious that this obligation [found in Maimonides, Malachim 8:10] is not limited only to a Jewish court, since this commandment is unrelated to the presence of a ger toshav (resident alien), and thus what is the need of a beit din. . . . Thus, this obligation is in place in all eras, even the present, when no gera toshav can be accepted and it is obligatory on all individuals who can work towards this goal. So too, this commandment is not limited to using force -- where, in a situation we cannot use force, we could be excused from our obligation -- since the essence of the obligation is to do all that is in our power to ensure that the seven Noachide commandments are kept; if such can be done through force, or through other means of pleasantness and peace, which means to explain [to Noachides] that they should accept the wishes of God who commanded them in this rules. This is obviously what is intended by Maimonides.

SOURCE: Rabbi Michael J. Broyde. "The Obligation of Jews to Seek Observance of Noachide Laws by Gentiles: A Theoretical Review". Jewish Law. Retreived 10/20/20 from:


Rabbi Schneerson again repeated that the Noahide Laws should be implemented by "force", and if not through "kindness" 

We must do everything possible to ensure that the seven Noahide laws are observed. If this can be accomplished through force or through other kinder and more peaceful means through explaining to non-Jews that they should accept God’s wishes [we should do so]…Anyone who is able to influence a non-Jew in any way to keep the seven commandments is obligated to do so, since that is what God commanded Moses our teacher (“Sheva Mitzvot Shel Benai Noach,” Hapardes 59:9 7-11, 5745) 

SOURCE: - My Jewish Learning, "The Noahide Laws", Retrieved 10/12/19 from


Rabbi Schneerson says Jews have obligation to "compel" non-Jews to follow the Noahide Laws

Rabbi Schneerson’s view is unique in that he not only assumes that Maimonides is correct in ruling that there is a general obligation to compel gentiles to observe Noachide law, but he also assumes that the obligation to compel observance includes within it the obligation to persuade. Rabbi Schneerson thus extends to the obligation to cover a much greater area than any other rabbinical authority, both in terms of the responsibility to do so and in the means by which to do so,

SOURCE: Tzvi Freeman and Yaakov Ort. "Is Social Activism Destroying American Judaism?". Retrieved 10/21/2020 from:


A non-Jew who witnesses someone breaking a Noahide Law and does not put him to death is to be killed

[A Noahide] who witnesses a transgression of these [laws] and fails to try the perpetrator and execute him, should be put to the sword. This is why the citizens of Shekhem were condemned to death: [Prince] Shekhem committed robbery [kidnapping]; they witnessed it, knew it, and failed to try him

SOURCE: Moshe Sokolow. "The Obligation to Intervene According to Halakhah [Jewish Law] and Tradition". Prism, spring 2010, volume 1, issue 2, ISSN 1949 - 2707. Yeshiva University. Retrieved 10/21/2020 from:


Jewish courts "obliged" try Noahides (non-Jews)

Nahmanides understands Maimonides to mean that Jewish courts are obliged to try descendants of Noah. 

SOURCE: Prof Nahum Rakover. "LAW and the NOAHIDES: LAW AS A UNIVERSAL VALUE". Chapter 7: JURISDICTION OVER NON-JEWS. Retrieved 10/21/2020 from:


Jewish writer says there are good reason to apply the death penalty for breaking the Noahide Laws

Like It or Not,
the Seven Noachide Laws Are Still Pending

There are many good, solid reasons to support applying the death penalty to a variety of crimes.

SOURCE: Menachem Ben-Mordechai (2013). "Like It or Not, the Seven Noachide Laws Are Still Pending". The Jewish Press. 13 October 2013. Retrieved 10/21/2020 from:


Jews obligated to "coerce" non-Jews to follow the Noahide Laws

Maimonides does definitively rule that Jews are obligated to teach – and even coerce – Gentiles into accepting the Seven Noahide laws of morality: not murdering, not stealing, not committing sexual immorality, not eating the limb of a living animal, not worshipping idols, not blaspheming God, and establishing courts to enforce the first six laws (Laws of Kings 8,10)

SOURCE: RABBI SHLOMO RISKIN (2012). "IS CHRISTIAN-JEWISH THEOLOGICAL DIALOGUE PERMITTED? A POSTSCRIPT TO RAV JOSEPH B. SOLOVEITCHIK’S ARTICLE, 'CONFRONTATION'". The Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation. 30 August 2012. Retrieved 10/21/2020 from:


Noahide Law is a "demand" and "duty", no one is above the law

So here are seven fundamental demands for all of us, no matter who we are. It is our duty as human beings to observe these laws. No one is above the law, especially when it comes to these seven fundamental laws.

SOURCE: Tzemach Yehudah Richter (2020). "Seven Laws Of Noah, Many Of Which, Don’t Apply To Omar". Times of Israel. 16 February 2020. Retrieved 10/21/2020 from:


Setting up Noahide Courts in "incumbent" on humanity

She points us, the readers, to the passage in the Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 56b, where we are taught that establishing Courts of Justice is one of the seven Noahide laws incumbent upon all humankind.

SOURCE: Neal Borovitz (2017). "What is our responsibility for choosing leaders?". Times of Israel. 4 September 2017. Retrieved 10/21/2020 from:


Chabad says all of humanity "must keep" the Noahide Laws

The 7 Noahide Laws are rules that all of us must keep, regardless of who we are or from where we come. Without these seven things, it would be impossible for humanity to live together in harmony.

SOURCE: "The 7 Noahide Laws: Universal Morality". Retrieved 10/21/2020 from:


Chabad says non-Jews are "required" to follow Noahide Laws

A few years ago I was taking a train home. A Chabad student comes by, hands me a b’nei noach card that explains the seven Noachide mitzvot required of non-Jews.

SOURCE: LARRY YUDELSON (2019). "New shul, New City". The Jewish Standard. 4 December 2019. Retrieved 10/21/2020 from:


God "legislated" the Noahide Laws for non-Jews

Is that good? Hardly. The dropouts from Christianity did not convert to Judaism or become pious followers of the Seven Noachide Laws that G-d legislated for the non-Jewish world. 

SOURCE: Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein (2019). "Should Jews Be Happy About The Notre-Dame Fire?". The Jewish Press. 28 April 2019. Retrieved 10/21/2020 from:


Noahide courts are a "requirement"

One of the seven Noachide laws requires every person to live within a system of courts and judges.

SOURCE: Rabbi Binny Freedman (2017). "Is it possible for us to be truly impartial?". The Jewish Star. 23 August 2017. Retrieved 10/21/2020 from:,14346


Moses was commanded to "compel" the whole world to follow the Noahides Laws

The Rambam rules that “Moses was commanded by the Almighty to compel/inspire all the inhabitants of the world to accept the commandments given to Noah’s descendants” (Laws of Kings, ch. 8). The essential theme of the Seven Noahide Laws is living a moral and ethical life and building a world based on respect of G-d, life, property, relationships, and justice.

SOURCE: Jewish Press Staff (2020). "Is It Proper…? What should one do if one hears about persecution of a people in a foreign land?". The Jewish Press. 5 August 2020. Retrieved 10/21/2020 from:


Jews are "responsible even to coerce" the world to follow the Noahide Laws

Probably during the Roman period of Hadrianic persecutions (circa 136-140 CE ), we dropped the ball and ceased to attempt to fulfill this aspect of our mission (despite Maimonides' Laws of Kings, where he rules that just as we bear responsibility to teach our fellow Jews 613 commandments, we are likewise responsible even to coerce, if necessary, the Gentiles of the world to accept the 7 Noahide laws of morality). Thankfully, this function was provided by the Christians, who brought to all the Gentiles of the globe the seven Noahide laws of morality, the Ten Commandments and the belief in a God of love, compassion and peace. 

SOURCE: SHLOMO RISKIN (2007). "In praise of Christian-Jewish interfaith dialogue". The Jewish Post. 24 July 2007. Retrieved 10/21/2020 from:


Rabbi Schneerson said non-Jewish observance of the Noahide Laws would "constitute a 'complete victory' over these nations"

[Rabbi Schneerson] believed that non-Jews’ observance of the Noahide Laws would affirm their recognition of God’s kingship, just as it would attest to the divine mission of God’s messenger, the messiah. Such a feat would thus constitute a “complete victory” over these nations, hastening, if not actually bringing about, the redemption

SOURCE: Tomer Persico (2009). "Chabad’s Lost Messiah". Azure. No. 38. Autumn 5770 / 2009. Retrieved 10/21/2020 from:


Judaism is not only a national religion but univeral in the Noahide Laws

"The Lubavitcher Rebbe of Chabad Chassidism made this claim that Judaism is not only a national religion but also universal when he instituted the spreading to the world of the seven commandments of the children of Noah. He spread these teaching to the White House and in many nations in the world where there are Chabad representative." 

SOURCE: David Wexelman (2020). "Passover Night, Corona and the Universal faith". Communal News. 6 April 2020. Retrieved 10/21/2020 from:


Jews are God's representative to influence non-Jews to follow the Noahide Laws

And you will be for Me a kingdom of kohanim” – meaning (as our Sages explain), a nation of Hashem’s representatives. By observing His mitzvos, we bring Divine holiness into the world, eventually influencing even non-Jews to rise higher through the observance of the seven Noachide commandments (see Rambam’s Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Melachim 8:10).

SOURCE: Rabbi Shmuel Butman (2019). "Shluchim – A Model For All Jews". The Jewish Press. 21 November 2019. Retrieved 10/21/2020 from:


Jews are "obligated" to promote the Noahide Laws among non-Jews

Chapter One:
Classic Teachings on the Obligation for Jews
 to Promote Belief in G-d and the Noahide Code

Rambam, Sefer HaMitzvos, Positive Mitzvah 3
... “And you shall love the L-rd your G-d”[1] ... They [our Sages] said that this Commandment also includes calling upon all people to serve G-d (exalted be He) and have faith in Him. For just as when you love someone, you will praise and extol him, and call upon others to love him, so by analogy, when you truly love G-d through grasping His truth, you will undoubtedly call [others] ... to the true knowledge which you have already grasped. As the Sifré says:[2] “‘And you shall love the L-rd’ – you should make Him beloved of mankind as Avraham your father did, as it says,[3] ‘And the souls that they made in Charan.’ ” That is to say, just as Avraham, for the sake of his love of the L-rd – as Scripture testifies, “Avraham who loved Me”[4] – summoned mankind to believe, by the power of his conception of G-d and the greatness of his love for Him, so too, you must love Him to the extent that you will call mankind to Him.

Rambam, Hilchos Melachim 8:10-11[5]
Moshe was commanded by the Almighty to compel all the inhabitants of the world to accept the commandments given to Noah’s descendants. ... Anyone who accepts upon himself the fulfillment of these seven commandments and is precise in their observance is considered one of “the pious among the Gentiles,” and will merit a share in the World to Come. This applies only when he accepts them and fulfills them because the Holy One, blessed be He, commanded them in the Torah and informed us through Moshe, our teacher, that Noah’s descendants had been commanded to fulfill them previously.

Tosefos Yom Tov on Pirkei Avos 3:14
[Rabbi Akiva used to say,] “Beloved is man, for he was created in the image [of G-d]. It is an even greater love [that it was made known to him that he was created in the image], as it is written: For in the image of G-d He made man”: Rabbi Akiva intended to straighten the ways of all Gentiles, as we [the Jewish people] were commanded by Moshe our teacher, according to the words of Rambam [loc. cit.]. And if we are commanded to compel them ... how much more so should this be done through verbal persuasion, to draw their hearts to [follow] the will of their Creator and the desire of their Rock.

Radak on Yeshayahu 42:6
“I [G-d] will set you [the Jews] for a covenant to the people, for a light to the nations”: For on account of the Jewish people, the Gentiles will observe the Seven Commandments and go on the good path.

Sforno on Shmos 19:6
“You will be for Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation”: Through this they will be My beloved people [in Hebrew, am segulah] and [recognized as] a kingdom of priests, by under-taking to teach all of mankind to call upon the Name of G-d and to serve Him with one purpose, as it is said,[6] “And you, priests of G-d, shall call out,” and as it is said,[7] “From Zion the Torah will go forth” [to the whole world].

Chasam Sofer on Choshen Mishpat #85
We are commanded to guide Gentiles [in the service of G-d].

Sefer Chassidim
No. 360: A Gentile who is enthusiastic in observing the Seven Noahide Commandments ... should be honored more than a Jew who doesn’t occupy himself with learning Torah.
No. 1124: If one sees a Gentile committing a sin and can object, then one should, for G-d sent Yonah to Nineveh to influence them to abandon their sins.

Baal HaTurim on Shmos 20:14[8]
The 620 [Hebrew] letters of the Ten Commandments correspond to the 613 Commandments for Jews and the Seven Noahide Commandments.

[1] Devarim 6:5.
[2] Sifré, ibid.
[3] Bereishis 7:5.
[4] Yeshayahu 41:8.
[5] Translation from Mishneh Torah, Moznaim Publishing.
[6] Yeshayahu 61:6.
[7] Ibid. 2:3.
[8] See Likkutei Sichos, Vol. 26, p. 132. See also Hisvaaduyos 5749, Vol. 2, p. 156, fn. 94, that this underlines how the effect of Torah upon the Gentile nations is a fundamental part of the Torah.


"Any person who has already worked successfully in this area should try to influence other Jews to do likewise. Resistance should not deter one when attempting to influence a further individual to accept upon himself the task of disseminating the Noahide Laws amongst the nations." (Hisvaduyos 5750 2:18-19)

SOUCE: Rabbi Yehoishophot Oliver (2016). "To Perfect the World: The Lubavitcher Rebbe's Call to Teach the Noahide Code to All Mankind". Sichos in English. 2016.


  1. I was looking for more details on the reach of Noahide laws and googled 'noahide laws influenced by Roman law' and came across this post. Thank you for the many quotes, this is very insightful and useful. I am bookmarking this for future reference.
