Sunday, March 7, 2021

Chabad brings the Noahide Laws to China

The unofficial Sanhedrin asked the Chinese government to "adopt and enforce" the Noahide Laws (here). Here we learn about Chabad spreading the Noahide Laws in the country. 


"We already know that the Hasidim of Chabad are spreading so-called "Moshiach cards" everywhere. They represent a business card on one side of which a portrait of the Rebbe of King Moshiach is printed, and on the other - the corresponding text. Cards for non-Jews in different languages ​​are especially popular. Recently, cards have been printed in Chinese with the 7 commandments of the sons of Noah. When these cards were handed out in Chinese regions, the locals told what was the meaning of the word "Geula" - this is how "Liberation" sounds in Hebrew - in Chinese."




We already know that the Hasidim of Chabad are spreading so-called "Moshiach cards" everywhere. They represent a business card on one side of which a portrait of the Rebbe of King Moshiach is printed, and on the other - the corresponding text. Cards for non-Jews in different languages ​​are especially popular. Recently, cards have been printed in Chinese with the 7 commandments of the sons of Noah. When these cards were handed out in Chinese regions, the locals told what was the meaning of the word "Geula" - this is how "Liberation" sounds in Hebrew - in Chinese.

I have it already!

A group of business women from New York, who design clothes, went to China. They brought with them and distributed thousands of these cards in Chinese. In addition, they explained to the Chinese about the importance of faith in the Almighty, as well as that it is forbidden to eat part of a still living animal.

This caused contradictory feelings among the Chinese, because they were used to eating live insects, but, at the same time, they were pleased that the cards were made in their native language.

Chinese language cards are distributed every day in the United States as well. This occurs in places where there is a high concentration of Chinese people, such as China Town, Coney Island, and Flatbush Super Cosco, where thousands of Chinese spend a lot of time shopping every day. And if some Chinese have already received the card earlier, he answers: "Geula", which in Chinese means "I already have it!"

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