Friday, August 12, 2022

Surgical sterilization is illegal under Noahide and female contraception is preferred over male contraception: Book Review, the Rainbow Covenant


Under Noahide Law, sterilization surgeries are forbidden, and female birth control is preferred over condoms or spermicide as it is preferred the male ejaculate inside the woman without interruption and that she and her body neutralize the sperm. 

Surgical intervention, such as tuballigation, in the case of a woman, or castration or even vasectomy in the case of a man, is never permitted as a contraceptive technique. It constitutes bodily mutilation — the mutilation, in other words, or maiming of God's property — merely to keep the body from fulfilling its God-given purpose.

As the Bible's story of Er and Onan suggests, our Creator condemns the practice of coitus interruptus — of the man's withdrawal just before fully consummating the sex act. Neither that nor anything that might amount to casting semen in vain — that is, deliberately wasting it, as though man's reproductive seed were a useless poison — can be countenanced as a legitimate contraceptive method. The sex act is not complete unless the man's seed enters the woman's body. So a (Jewish) man may not wear a condom as a contraceptive device. In fact, he may never personally employ any nullifying or blocking technique against his own seed.

Feminine contraceptive implants or oral contraceptives, such as the birth control pill, are preferred over chemical spermicides, which are preferred over physical barriers, such as an absorbent internal pad or diaphragm or an internal female condom. While the male's seed must enter the female, she may, if she has to, use such methods to neutralize or block it once he has made his way inside her. (Dallen, 2003, pp. 174)

SOURCE: Dallen, Michael E. (2003). The Rainbow Covenant. Light Catcher Books & The Rainbow Covenant Foundation.  

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