A detailed petition has been launched for Trump to spend $300 million on spreading the Noahide Laws through the Chabad organization. Please read the details, very important.
Education and Sharing Day U.S.A Implementation

Addressed to President Donald Trump – March 9, 2025
Goal: 10,000 Signatures for $300M to support the “Light Unto the Nations” Educational Chabad Network in the U.S. and globally, promoting the 7 Universal Laws from Torah for Humanity.
The Seven Universal Biblical Laws for Humanity
- To Believe, Know and Trust the One True G-d (The G-d of Israel)
- To Honor the One True G-d
- To Honor Life
- To Honor Family
- To Respect Property
- To Respect Living Creatures
- To Establish Law and Justice
(Genesis 2:16; Sanhedrin 56a; Rambam, Laws of Kings 9 and 10)
Key Objectives:
- Expand Chabad’s Educational Mission
- Allow 300 Chabad Shluchim in 300 U.S. college campuses to provide weekly sessions on the 7 Universal Laws.
- Engage 6,000 Shluchim globally to host conferences and events promoting universal Torah ethics.
- Launch a BA/MA programs in Noahide Sciences in major American universities.
- National Media & Awareness Campaign
- A 3-year initiative targeting universities, high schools, and communities to restore moral clarity and highlight America’s commitment to ethical values.
- Strategic Financial Support
- Fund 1,300 Chabad Shluchim to lead this moral revival.
- Finance media campaigns, Noahide Sciences programs, and international events.
- Strengthen America’s values by countering foreign ideological influences.
Public Recognition of Ethical Leadership:
We call for official acknowledgment of the Jewish People as “A Kingdom of Teachers, a Holy Nation” (Exodus 19:6) and their role in upholding morality and justice, reaffirming the U.S.-Israel bond.
Vision for the Future:
Establish a global organization - "Light Unto the Nations" based on the 7 Universal Laws with twin headquarters in Jerusalem and Washington, D.C., serving as a moral beacon for humanity.
Take Action Now:
Sign this petition to:
- Support Chabad’s expanded educational mission.
- Advocate for global recognition of the Jewish People’s as the Choshen People by G-d.
- Live with and Promote the 7 Universal Biblical Commandments for Humanity.
Together, let’s build a world of morality, unity, and peace.
Rabbi Moshe Perets and the Rabbinical Council
of “Light Unto the Nations” The Noahide Academy of Israel
(Note: after signing the petition you are not required to make a donation to this site, but you may do it directly to the Noahide Academy here https://www.noahideacademy.org/donation )
Source of the 7 Commandments:
Five of the Noahide Commandments are explicitly found in different verses in the Book of Genesis, and one is found in Leviticus. The remaining one (and in fact all them) can be inferred from a single verse in Genesis.
102nd U.S. Congress (1991-1992), House Joint Resolution H.J.RES.104.ENR designating March 26, 1991, as Education Day, U.S.A.:
“Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded;
Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they are known as the Seven Noahide Laws;
Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning to chaos;” (…)
Social Application of the 7 Universal Biblical Laws
1-To promote the concept of unity within diversity, meaning the knowledge that there is a Primary Being who precedes all beings and directs the world according to His Will. Arouse the consciousness of people that we are working together for the best interest of every single individual and in order for their needs to be respected their needs to be a recognition of a hierarchy of knowledge.
2- To promote the value of a higher understanding of happiness and human life fulfillment as the development of social relationships and communicative capacities of the individuals instead of focusing exclusively on material development. Eliminating the contradiction between material and spiritual perspectives will allow a natural respect for higher values and the full expression of humanity's potential for creativity.
3-To promote the value of human life and every aspect of it for every single individual promoting the consciousness of interdependence in the success of Human societies.
4- To promote the value of respect on economical transactions in small, medium and large enterprises and all human economical activities.
5- To promote the value of family life as being the fundamental and Essential Unity for a personal accomplishment and a functional society.
6- To promote the safeguarding of life in general of animals and plants and to avoid cruelty in general.
7- To promote the good governance based upon these 6 universal ethical principles with the nations of the world has it was given by G-d at Mout Sinai to the Jewish people. Being G-d the One Who Contains all possibilities He is the One Who can contain in these set of fundamental Universal Principles every single human being in the full extension of his personality.
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