Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Israeli government officially supports Noahide evangelism



A person who accepts the Noahide laws upon themselves is called "Noahide", a concept we will be discussing later. In 2018 the Israeli news service Haaretz published an article about a Noahide missionary organization in Israel called the "Noahide World Center" The article states that the center has the official support of the Israeli government, the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, and Prime Minister Netanyahu. According to the article, Noahidism is subordinate to Judaism and some Rabbis are promoting the idea that the Noahides must accept that the Jews are not only spiritually superior but also racially superior to non-Jews, they must also recognize Zionism and the state of Israel. Members of one Noahide colony in the Philippines are quoted by scholars as saying that White Jews are the rulers of the world and are superior because they have the blood of the chosen people; the Noahides believe that Jews have five levels to their souls while non-Jews only have three and are animalistic, a flaw which can only be overcome by guidance from Jews. Indeed, some Rabbis openly proclaim the Noahide movement is a new form of racial colonialism and refer to the Noahides as the new "global south". The leader of the Philippines Noahide mission, Emmanuel Villegas, had his former Christian followers renounce Christianity and burn their Bibles; the practice of Christianity can often be viewed as "idolatry" under Noahide Law. Prime Minister Netanyahu met with these Filipino Noahides personally and affirmed that the Noahide Laws are obligatory for all non-Jews. It is stated that The Temple Institute which receives funds from the Israeli government also supports Noahide evangelism. In addition, the Noahide World Center has published a prayer book and a law book for Noahides.


The "Noahide Project" of the Noahide World Center has support from the Israeli government

The Noahide Project, which has Israeli governmental and rabbinical support, is trying to proselytize members of remote communities. Just as long as they don’t call themselves Jews, right?


This is the world order being promoted by the Noahide Project, which has the support of Israel’s Chief Rabbinate and of the Israeli government. The Noahide theological project is closely related to Netanyahu’s foreign policy approach, which is based on religious support for Israel. As he worded the theological message he offered on Humanity Day in 2015, “The Seven Mitzvot of the Children of Noah are matters of both faith and morality, which according to our sages obligate all of the non-Jewish peoples of the world. These commandments serve as a basis for establishing a civilized society.” The final goal of Rabbi Cherki and the Noahide World Center, we are told, is a modest one: seven billion believers.


“Our friends all over the world, the Noahides… You are the lucid persons in a perplex world. You are the hope of the world. Happy good day.” Thus, in somewhat broken English, Rabbi Oury Cherki, head of the Noahide World Center, greeted his followers in a video clip on the occasion of “Humanity Day,” the holiday of the Noahides (also known as Children of Noah), which was last celebrated on the 27th day of the Hebrew month of Marheshvan (Nov. 10, 2017).

SOURCE: Ofri Ilany (2018). 'The Messianic Zionist Religion Whose Believers Worship Judaism (But Can't Practice It)'. Haaretz. 09 Dec 2018. Retrieved 09/29/2020 from: https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/.premium-the-messianic-zionist-religion-that-wants-to-recruit-7-billion-members-1.6455144


Noahides are members of the new religion of Noahidism who are subordinate to Judaism.

But who are these Noahides? They are members of a new religion, subordinate to Judaism, founded by rabbis from Israel, mainly from Chabad and the religious Zionist movement. According to the World Center, there are dozens of Noahide communities across the world, with more than 20,000 believers. That’s a hefty number, given that the religion was only founded at the beginning of the decade. Small Noahide communities exist in various countries, with the largest one in the Philippines.


It’s a form of Zionist mission, which seeks to create a world religion whose believers adore the Jewish people and the State of Israel – without belonging to either. The believers are required to accept the supremacy of Judaism but are not accepted into the Jewish people and are even barred from upholding such commandments as Sabbath observance. Anyone who wishes to be a Noahide is called upon mainly to recognize the Jewish people and its state.

SOURCE: Ofri Ilany (2018). 'The Messianic Zionist Religion Whose Believers Worship Judaism (But Can't Practice It)'. Haaretz. 09 Dec 2018. Retrieved 09/29/2020 from: https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/.premium-the-messianic-zionist-religion-that-wants-to-recruit-7-billion-members-1.6455144


Prime Minister Netanyahu met with the Noahides, says the Noahide Laws are obligatory

A group from the community was brought to Israel two years ago, and its members met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has also sent his greetings to all the communities worldwide.


The Noahide theological project is closely related to Netanyahu’s foreign policy approach, which is based on religious support for Israel. As he worded the theological message he offered on Humanity Day in 2015, “The Seven Mitzvot of the Children of Noah are matters of both faith and morality, which according to our sages obligate all of the non-Jewish peoples of the world.

SOURCE: Ofri Ilany (2018). 'The Messianic Zionist Religion Whose Believers Worship Judaism (But Can't Practice It)'. Haaretz. 09 Dec 2018. Retrieved 09/29/2020 from: https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/.premium-the-messianic-zionist-religion-that-wants-to-recruit-7-billion-members-1.6455144


Noahides burn the New Testament

One of the groups Feldman observed lives in a mountainous, “financially challenged” rural region. In the past its members were cave dwellers who belonged to a Sabbath-observing church called Sacred Name Believers. Their leader is the Noahide preacher Emmanuel Villegas. For years he visited poor communities on various islands and converted them to the Children of Noah. He called on them to renounce Christianity and to burn their holy books – though not before cutting out the Tetragrammaton (God’s Hebrew name) from the texts.

SOURCE: Ofri Ilany (2018). 'The Messianic Zionist Religion Whose Believers Worship Judaism (But Can't Practice It)'. Haaretz. 09 Dec 2018. Retrieved 09/29/2020 from: https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/.premium-the-messianic-zionist-religion-that-wants-to-recruit-7-billion-members-1.6455144


Jews have higher levels to their souls than non-Jews

Feldman quotes one members of the community, who explained to her, “You are very lucky because you are white, and white people are rulers of the earth. But you are also a Jew. You are very gifted because you have blood from the Chosen people, from Abraham and Isaac.” In his sermons, Villegas explains why his community is forbidden to uphold Jewish commandments, and dwells on the essence of the difference between Noahides and Jews. Jews, he says, possess an inner sanctity that draws them close to a divine level: “The Jew has five levels of soul while the Noahide only has three levels and remains on an animalistic level, and this is written in the Kabbalah.”

Noahides are incapable of reaching the level of the Jews, but they can learn how to improve themselves by way of the seven commandments. The questions-and-answers site asknoah.org also instructs the Children of Noah on how to cope with animal cravings. In the meantime, Chabad is making efforts to spread the word among non-Jews in Israel, too – a project that was introduced by the late Rabbi Boaz Kali, from Haifa.

SOURCE: Ofri Ilany (2018). 'The Messianic Zionist Religion Whose Believers Worship Judaism (But Can't Practice It)'. Haaretz. 09 Dec 2018. Retrieved 09/29/2020 from: https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/.premium-the-messianic-zionist-religion-that-wants-to-recruit-7-billion-members-1.6455144


A Ethnic Hierarchy

But the interpretation of Rabbi Cherki and the Chabad rabbis uses the Noahide precepts to lay down an ethnic hierarchy between Jews and gentiles. Feldman notes that the Noahide religion constitutes a new form of colonial relations and racial ideology in which the rabbis are shaping a new faith for the inhabitants of the “global south” as an instrument to advance religious and nationalist goals.

SOURCE: Ofri Ilany (2018). 'The Messianic Zionist Religion Whose Believers Worship Judaism (But Can't Practice It)'. Haaretz. 09 Dec 2018. Retrieved 09/29/2020 from: https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/.premium-the-messianic-zionist-religion-that-wants-to-recruit-7-billion-members-1.6455144


The Temple Institute Supports The Noahide Project

the Temple Institute, which advocates the building of the Third Temple on Jerusalem, on the site of the first two, started to promote the Noahide project. In the view of the institute’s rabbis, the gentiles’ upholding of the Seven Laws is an important stage in the messianic process at the height of which the temple will be built and Israel will become a theocracy that will gain the gentiles’ support.

SOURCE: Ofri Ilany (2018). 'The Messianic Zionist Religion Whose Believers Worship Judaism (But Can't Practice It)'. Haaretz. 09 Dec 2018. Retrieved 09/29/2020 from: https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/.premium-the-messianic-zionist-religion-that-wants-to-recruit-7-billion-members-1.6455144


Israeli government provides funding to the Temple Institute

"The Israeli government provides some funding to the Temple Institute"

SOURCE: ANDREW TOBIN (2016). 'The third Jewish Temple is coming to your Facebook feed'. Jewish Telegraph Agency. AUGUST 12, 2016. Retrieved 09/29/2020 from: https://www.jta.org/2016/08/12/israel/the-third-jewish-temple-is-coming-to-your-facebook-feed


Noahide World Center publishes prayer book for Noahides

As preparations move forward to build the Third Temple as the House of Prayer for All Nations, rabbis are beginning to cope with the practical issues of what that prayer will be. One rabbi has prepared a prayer book specifically for non-Jews that contains daily prayers as well as for any occasion.

Under the direction of Rabbi Oury Amos Cherki, the Noahide World Center-Brit Olam created a prayer book for Noahides. Noahides are non-Jews who perform the seven Noahide laws incumbent upon all of mankind with the intention of doing so because it is God’s will.


Rav Cherki believes that it was essential to create a prayer book for non-Jews now. As a part of his philosophy, Rabbi Cherki places a particular emphasis on the meaning of Zionism and the establishment of the state of Israel. He asserts that the birth of modern political Zionism signified the atchalta d’geulah (beginning of the redemption) and the non-Jews play an important role in this Jewish redemption.

SOURCE: ADAM ELIYAHU BERKOWITZ. 'DAILY PRAYER BOOK FOR NON-JEWS TO BRING IN THE REDEMPTION'. Breaking Israel News. Retrieved 09/29/2020 from: https://www.israel365news.com/124886/daily-prayer-book-non-jews-redemption/


Noahide World Center publishing law book for Noahides

Two weeks ago, with the approach of Parshat Noach, the Brit Olam World Noahide Center, founded in 2011, announced the completion of a Shulchan Aruch for Bnei Noach, written by the organization’s director, Rabbi Ouri Sherki.


King David exhorts us to “tell His glory amongst the nations.” This mission culminates in the prophecy of Isaiah, when the nations shall come to Jerusalem to learn the ways of the G-d. Interestingly, it is the gentiles who say, “For out of Zion shall go forth the Torah, and the Word of the L-rd out of Jerusalem.”

SOURCE: Tzvi Fishman (2019). 'Shulchan Aruch For Bnei Noach Set To Be Published'. Jewish Press. 6 Nov 2019. Retrieved 09/29/2020 from: https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/interviews-and-profiles/shulchan-aruch-for-bnei-noach-set-to-be-published/2019/11/06/

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