Tuesday, February 22, 2022

US Congress opened for 7th time under Noahide payer



For at least the 7th time, US Congress has been opened with a Noahide Prayer, this time by Rabbi Moshe Feller in the US. Senate. See the other 6 time (here)

Rabbi Moshe Feller opens a session in the Capitol for the tenth time


On Tuesday morning, the veteran Minnesota Chabad emissary who has served in that capacity since 1961, addressed the Creator from the Senate floor, with his son and several grandchildren, Chabad emissaries as well, looking on. “Almighty G‑d, Master of the Universe,” prayed the 84-year-old rabbi, “the Members of this august body, the United States Senate, convene here today to fulfill one of the Seven Commandments which You issued to Noah and his family after the Great Flood: the commandment that all societies be governed by just laws.” Feller went on to specify each of the Seven Noahide Laws of universal morality, concluding, “Grant, Almighty G‑d, that the members of the Senate constantly realize that by enacting just laws, they are doing Your will.”


When Feller reported back to the Rebbe after that first appearance, sponsored by Sen. Rudy Boschwitz (R-Minn.), he brought with him a copy of the Congressional Record, which reproduced the text of his prayer. “The Rebbe wrote to me ‘Tach! Tach! Tach! [a Hebrew acronym for ‘many thanks’] for giving me the news of opening the Senate and especially the beginning of your remarks.’ ” The Rebbe was referring to Feller’s observation before the Senate that their very gathering fulfills one of the Seven Noahide Laws, the imperative to establish just laws for society. “The Rebbe then gave me a directive,” Feller recalls, “ ‘Send your prayer to whoever opens a legislative body—not necessarily the U.S. Senate,’ and that’s what I did for many rabbis. G‑d gave me the idea to open it like that, and the Rebbe was so happy.”

SOURCE: Mendel Super (2022). "At U.S. Senate, a Senior Chabad Rabbi Offers Prayer for the Nation". Chabad. 11 Jan 2022. Retrieved 02/22/22 from:https://www.chabad.org/news/article_cdo/aid/5374608/jewish/At-US-Senate-a-Senior-Chabad-Rabbi-Offers-Prayer-for-the-Nation.htm

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