During Chanukah in December of 2023, the New Mexico city of I believe Las Cruces erected a Menorah, and speeches were given by members of the city council. One Rabbi did bring up the Noahide Laws and how they are used to chase our "darkness". Hypocritically, the date was dedicated to fighting anti-semitism, even though the Noahide Laws denounce idolatry (Christianity), blasphemy (atheism), and homosexuality and calls for the death of these people. How can you complain about anti-Semitism in one breath and then promote laws which call for the extermination of more than half of the planet?
14th Chanukah on the Plaza 2023 draws large crowd

The crowd who gathered at Plaza de Las Cruces for this fourth day of Chanukah was in a celebratory mood on a cool and sunny Sunday. The 14th annual Chanukah on the Plaza was sponsored by Chabad of Las Cruces, whose Rabbi, Bery Schmuckler, described how it has evolved over the years from when it began at Mesilla Plaza.

“So we started with a little menorah,” Rabbi Schmuckler said. “We went to an 18-foot menorah, which we had custom built, which unfortunately came down Friday night. It’s not going to deter us. We’re going to have bigger and better. The crowd has grown exponentially. The entertainment, the food…it’s bigger and better!”

The “bigger and better” food served free to the attendees included the traditional latkes and fried donuts, in keeping with the Chanukah tradition to eat oily foods to commemorate the miracle of the oil in the Temple menorah lasting for eight days. Afterwards came one of the highlights of Chanukah on the Plaza: the lighting of the 30-foot Menorah, with Rabbi Schmuckler welcoming this year’s special guest: Barbara “Mother” Hubbard.
(Rabbi Schmuckler announcing) “The person who truly gave light to Las Cruces! At the young, young age of 96, climbing up to go light the shamash—the one that lights the rest of the candles—please give a round of applause for Mother Hubbard!” (audience cheers)

“Mother” Hubbard was then lifted to light the Menorah, along with Rabbi Schmukler and film director and NMSU professor Ross Marks. Afterwards, members of the Las Cruces City Council, along with Senator Jeff Steinborn, gathered on the Roberto V. Estrada Pavilion stage to present a proclamation denouncing antisemitism, which was read by councilor Becky Corran.
“In a time of increasing antisemitism, we should be vigilant in ensuring people understand and speak out against antisemitism when they hear it or see it, and that the city of Las Cruces shows support for the Las Cruces Jewish community,” Corran read. “As we work to create a city of Las Cruces for all, our city will continue to be a place that welcomes the Jewish people, honors their meaningful contributions to our community, city, state, and country. Therefore we—the Mayor and city council of Las Cruces, New Mexico, do hereby proclaim Monday, December 4th 2023 as Denouncing Antisemitism Day.”

Entertainment was provided by Dan Bern, a singer-songwriter who has been compared to Bob Dylan and Woody Guthrie.
“A few years ago, a friend of mine said, ‘Hey, there’s not enough good classic Chanukah songs. So I made a record of some new classic Chanukah songs. These are classics, but you haven’t heard ‘em yet. And I hope you like ‘em.”

By the end of the evening, as the music and festivities wound down and the temperatures grew colder, Menachem Gansburg, in town to help with Chanukah on the Plaza with three others from a Chabad center in Brooklyn, NY, helped explain why Chanukah, and this one in particular, was so important.
“As we all know, there’s a lot of darkness going on in the world,” Gansburg said. “And it’s our job—every single one, individually--has a responsibility to spread the light. And it’s known that the way we fight darkness is not by chasing it away with a stick. Just by spreading light, automatically the darkness goes away. And every good deed we do—every menorah we light, every tefillin we put on, or the seven Noahide laws for all mankind—that is how we make this world a better place. And ultimately, bring the redemption, which we all anticipate every single day.”
And the alignment between dark and light is what this fourth night of Chanukah was about.

"How can you complain about anti-Semitism in one breath and then promote laws which call for the extermination of more than half of the planet?"
ReplyDeleteYou cannot expect liberal Jews to know the Talmud.