Thursday, December 14, 2023

VERY IMPORTANT! Israel told Palestine to follow the Noahide Laws or leave in 1985



In 1985, Military Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren demanded that Muslims live under the Noahide Laws or that they would have no right to live in Israel.

The One State Reality: What Is Israel/Palestine?

Author / Uploaded

Michael Barnett

Nathan J. Brown

Marc Lynch

Shibley Telhami (eds.)


This abrupt transformation is best observed in the radical reversal of the halakhic rulings of Rabbi Shlomo Goren, the Chief Rabbi of the Military Rabbinate and l­ ater Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi. In retrospect, he was a transitional


Gershon Shafir

figure, part of both the former and latter waves of Maimonidean interpreters. On the eve of Israeli in­de­pen­dence, Goren’s views resembled Rabbis Herzog and Uziel’s inclusionary rulings. He rejected Maimonides’s requirement that the Sons of Noah accept the seven universal commandments out of deference to Judaism in ­favor of t­ hose of the Ra’avad by arguing that Arabs enjoy civil rights even as he refused to view them as gere toshav. ­After the 1967 war, Goren—­even though he was not part of the Kooks’s circle and differed from them in impor­tant re­spects—­highlighted the commandment to ­settle Eretz Yisrael. Like Rabbi Kook, he based his ruling that “to turn over settlements land to Arabs is a double and qua­dru­ple offense” on the lo techanem prohibition.37 Even though he was a former general in the IDF, he authorized soldiers to follow the halakhic ruling rather than the elected government and to disobey any order to cede Jewish land as part of a peace accord. By 1985, in a singular twist he not only demanded that the Muslims of Palestine accept Judaism as the authority for the seven Noahide commandments but that they also recognize Jewish entitlement to sovereignty in Eretz Yisrael and Israel as a Jewish state. The refusal to do so should deprive them both of the status of gere toshav and of the right to reside therein.38 

1 comment:

  1. If Israel itself does not satisfy the minimum moral standard of the Noahide laws because it is a secular state operating liberal democracy, it has no right to expel Muslims - who are more Noahide than liberal democrats - for not submitting to Western imperialism.
