Sunday, May 12, 2024

Kentucky passes resolution for Noahide Law to be promoted in schools


In 2022 the Kentucky assembly passed a resolution about promoting Noahide Laws in education.

UNOFFICIAL COPY 22 RS BR 2334 Page 1 of 2 XXXX Jacketed 1 A RESOLUTION proclaiming April 12, 2022, to be Education and Sharing Day,  Kentucky.  

WHEREAS, a quality education is one of the significant foundations for the  continuing success of our Commonwealth, our country, and our society at large. In the  great Commonwealth of Kentucky we strive for the betterment of all of our citizens through an increased focus on education and sharing; and 

WHEREAS, through providing the possibility of an excellent education for all,  especially children, with which to gain knowledge through rigorous study we can create  hope for a brighter, kinder, and more united and prosperous future in the lives of many;  and 

WHEREAS, the educational system must also focus on building character by  emphasizing the cultivation of universal moral and ethical values that have been the  bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, including the values known as the Seven  Noahide Laws; and 

WHEREAS, one of the leading global advocates for the advancement of education,  the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, stressed the importance of moral  and ethical education as the bedrock of humanity and the hallmark of a healthy society  and strongly urged that education be reinforced by the inculcation of strong moral values;  and 

WHEREAS, in recognition of the Rebbe's outstanding and lasting contributions  towards improvements in world education, morality, and acts of charity, he was awarded  the Congressional Gold Medal, and the United States Congress has established his  birthdate as a national day to raise awareness and strengthen the education of our  children; and 

WHEREAS, April 12, 2022, will mark 120 years since the Rebbe's birth, a date that  will be celebrated across these United States and around the globe in tribute to the  Rebbe's vision, guidance, and leadership; and UNOFFICIAL COPY 22 RS BR 2334 Page 2 of 2 XXXX Jacketed 1 

WHEREAS, for more than 40 years, the President of the United States has recognized and honored the Rebbe's vision each year on that day by proclaiming it  Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A.; and  WHEREAS, we can nurture the unity of diverse peoples through encouraging  increased acts of goodness and kindness, imbued with the awareness that even a single  positive act of an individual can make a major impact on this world; 

NOW, THEREFORE,  Be it resolved by the Senate of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of  Kentucky:  Section 1. The Senate of the Commonwealth of Kentucky does hereby proclaim  Tuesday, April 12, 2022, to be Education and Sharing Day, Kentucky, in the  Commonwealth of Kentucky and call upon government officials, educators, volunteers,  and citizens to reach out to those within your communities and work to create a better,  brighter, and more hopeful future for all.  Section 2. The Clerk of the Senate is directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to Senator Julie Raque Adams for delivery

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