Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Anti-Defamation League tells Supreme Court Noahide Law is "binding on the entire human race"

 This post is pretty big. If you remember, back in 1999, two Jewish law groups and a Noahidist lawyer team submitted an amici curiae (friend of the court) brief to the Supreme Court suggesting that the United States use decapitation as the primary mode of execution in the United States (here); beheading is the called for method of execution under Noahide Laws. Later, the same lawyer team introduced the Supreme Court to the Noahide Laws at the launch of a new Jewish law organization (here). However, this would not be the last time the Supreme Court would hear about the Noahide Laws as in 2005 the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) submitted another amici curiae brief to the Supreme Court in Orden v. Perry that said the Noahide Laws are "binding on the entire human race". How dare the ADL set itself up to track the "defamation" of the Jews when they have defamed the entirety of non-Jewry by suggesting that since we don't follow their precept that we are worthy of death! The brief was also submitted by the Executive Director of the Center For Christian-Jewish Learning At Boston College.

"The Torah narrates several binding legal agreements between God and human beings. In Genesis, for example, God directs Noah, the other survivors of the great flood, and their descendants – in other words, all of humanity at that time – to populate the earth, not to eat living meat, and not to shed human blood because humanity is created in the divine image. Genesis 9:1-11. Eventually, the rabbis referred to these commands (along with God’s commands to Adam and Eve) as the Noahide commands, which are binding on the entire human race."

SOURCE: "BRIEF OF AMICI CURIAE, ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE AND PHILIP A. CUNNINGHAM, PH.D., EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, CENTER FOR CHRISTIAN-JEWISH LEARNING AT BOSTON COLLEGE, IN SUPPORT OF PETITIONER IN NO. 03-1500, AND IN SUPPORT OF RESPONDENTS IN NO. 03-1693". Retrieved 08/11/2020 from: https://www.adl.org/sites/default/files/documents/civil-rights/adl-in-the-courts/amicus-briefs/brief-pdfs/ab-2005-van-orden-v-perry-mccreary-cnty-kentucky-v-aclu-kentucky.pdf

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