Wednesday, August 12, 2020

More on Freemason-Noahide rituals and history

Here is an addition to my post on the Noahide affiliation with Freemasonry (here). From this 1907 London Freemason record, we see that in a ceremony a new Freemason was asked to be a "true Noachide" and that it is believed by Freemasons that they were formed from a much older Noahide group called "The order of Noachites or Chevaliers Prussian." The Noahide High Council is desperate to separate Freemasonry from Noahidism as people are catching on to the connection (here)... this is just more proof of the undeniable conspiracy. Please notice if you click on the source link to view the PDF you will have to search "Noachide" or "Noachite" and then copy and paste the text in another program as for some reason some of the pages look blank in the PDF. 

A Freemason's Ceremonial Oath Includes To Promise To Behave Like A True Noachide

amination, by which one Mason may know another." The Examination was conducted by Sabas, who afterwards led the Candidate "round the Tower, and then knocked at the Brazen Gate nine Times. . . . In Order that the Watchman of the Gate might know, that he had been with me round the Tower, which was nine Miles." The diameter of the Tower was three miles, its height 5146 paces. "The Passage that went to the Top, was on the Outside, and, like a Winding Stair-Case, of a very great Breadth, so that Camels and Carriages might go up and down, and turn with Ease " ; 500,000 men were employed on the work for 53 years.l The reason this Tower was built so very extensive was " to make them a great Name, and also to save them from a second Deluge." The Candidate was led to Belus, who charged himTO obey the Master, Superintendent, Wardens and Deacons of the Lodge; to submit to their Directions, and do his 'L Daily Task with Freedom, Cheerfulness and Sobriety." TO " behave like a true Noachide, and instruct the younger Brethren, using all Endeavours to increase Brotherly Love." 

Freemason Built On Older "The order of Noachites or Chevaliers Prussian."

Nimrod is given as prominent a place in Part II., as Solomon is in Part [II., though it must be admitted that in another song of a later date it is stated that "he was no excellent Mason." The degree of "Noachite, or Prussian Knight" is based upon legends connected with the Tower of Babel though the ritual of 1768 bears very little resemblance to that printed bp Slade. The Tower of Babel figures on old " trazing-boards " and jewels in such a manner as to leave little doubt that it was at some time an important symbol in Freemasonry. I therefore think it is possible that Slade's publication may contain something which if not actually in use in his day had been worked at an earlier period in some such manner as he describes. Bro. J. C. BROOKHOUSE writes:- The very interesting paper read by Bro. Thorp upon Slade's " B'reemason Examined" leads on to a further consideration beyond the '' exposure" itself, for a later author has seized the matter therein contained, has attributed the ritual to an actual society and has gone so far as to give a history, certainly rather sketchy but a history none the less, of the masonic body working the ceremonies which are thereby laid open. Among the modern books which have at various times and with various motives professed to publish to the world our secrets, " The Mysteries of Freen~asonry," by John Fellows, A.M., is one of the best known; the edition in my hands was published in London and bears date 1866. The section of interest in this connection runs from the middle of page 324 to the foot of page 327 and is headed '' The order of Noachites or Chevaliers Prussian." Mr. Fellows opens his account of this order by stating that there is reason to believe that it was instituted by tlhe ancient Prussians and that it claims priority over that of the Freemasons of England. He continues that the ceremonies of the Noachites seem to have served in some measure as a model upon which those of Freemasonry were founded. Kext there appear some extracts from Polish and Prussian history with the suggestion that the order was evidently a military organization and undoubtedly intended as a rallying point for the recovery of the civil and religious liberties of the nation, and a statement that the society was probably founded in the year 1000. A short quotation from Bernard follows :-" The Grand Master-General of the Order, whose title is Chevalier Grand Commander, is Frederick William, King of Prussia. His ancestors, for 300 years, have been protectors of this Order. The Knights were formerly known by the name of Noachites. " The Noachites, formerly called Prussian chevalier*^, are descended from Peleg, the Grand Architect of the Tower of Babel, their origin being more ancient than that of the Masons descended from Hiram. The Knights assembled on the night of the full moon in the month of March (the vernal equinox) in a secret place, to hold their Lodges ; and they cannot initiate a candidate into the mysteries of this Order unless by t,he light of the moon."l So much for the quotation from Bernard; we return to the ingenious Mr. Fellows, whose next paragraph deserves to be set out in full. " Great innovations have been introduced into the ceremonies of this Order. I have a copy of its ritual, which, from its antiquity and Druidical style, may be presumed 'This is apparently taken from Les Plus Secrets MystBres des haufs grades de la Maqonnerie ddvozlds, &c., 1768, in which the description of the grade of Le Noachite, ou Chevalier Prussien is said $0 be translated from the German by M. de Berage. 110 Transactiolzs of the Quahor Cmonati Lodge. genuine. It was reprinted from a London copy, by John Holt, New York

 SOURCE: "Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, being the translation of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 London." 1907. Retrieved 08/12/2020 from:

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