Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Noahide brainwashing of children in Birmingham England schools, Noahide is a "command", warns against anti-semitism caused by Noahide education

As early as 2007 the Birmingham England City Council adopted the teaching of the Noahide Laws into the education system. The Noahide Laws are taught to be a "command" and a road to salvation, and the school system is seeking to garner sympathy for the Jews and Noahide in this regard by stating that because the Jews are called to educate the people on these laws, that this will cause anti-Semitism... of course it will!

The Birmingham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2007
Birmingham City Council 

Whilst the first Jew was the Biblical Abraham, Judaism draws its authority from an act of Divine Revelation on Mount Sinai, before a multitude of people. It was an awesome descent of Spirituality into the material world. The Divine communicated through Moses the written Law, the Torah (The first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures), and the oral Law. This oral law was later partly written down in the important books of the Mishnah, Talmud and Midrash. A system of 613 commandments was specifically charged upon Jews. A system of 7 commandments, also known as the 7 Noahide Laws, was given to the whole of mankind. Compliance with these codes fulfils the Divine Will and affords a unique opportunity for the commanded (the people) to bond with the Commander (The Divine) through the command (Law). The reward for obedience to these two systems of Law is the same, a share in the spiritual World to Come. Judaism, therefore, does not seek conversions to Judaism but encourages others in a lifestyle that is in tune with the dictates of the 7 Noahide Laws. Jews, themselves, are required to be 'a light to the nations'. This has often placed them in a controversial role, which may become a key element contributing to anti-semitism. 

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