Thursday, August 6, 2020

John Milton followed John Selden and Newton into advancing the Noahide Laws

We have already seen how scholar of both British and Jewish Law, John Selden, influenced Newton into accepting the Noahide Laws (here), but it seems he also corrupted famous British poet and philosopher John Milton as well. Under John Selden's tutelage, Milton came to believe the Noahide Law were universal laws that were the religion before the flood and began in the Garden of Eden. Like Newton, he also believed the Noahide Laws were based upon mathematical philosophy. It is upsetting to think how old and widespread this conspiracy really is.
"John Selden is an equally important, and much more documentable, shared influence on Milton and Newton’s views of the Noachide Code, a set of seven universal laws which, according to the Torah, God gave to the children of Noah and apply to all of humanity, both Jews and Gentiles. Following Selden, both Milton and Newton identify the Noachide Code as the universal religion that prevailed after the Flood—and before the worldwide fragmentation of peoples into competing nations, each with its own language and idolatrous modes of worship, following God’s destruction of Nimrod’s Tower of Babel.5 (This may be one reason that Milton models his brief epic on the Book of Job, which is set in the era before the inauguration of Mosaic Law.)"...

..."Not dissimilarly, Milton believes that the Noachide Code harkens back (with some differences) to the pristine, prelapsarian religion that God bequeathed to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. One of the central tenets of this original prelapsarian religion is: “God and nature bid the same”"...

..."Notably both Milton and Newton believe that, for the fit but few, mathematics provides access to the original synthesis between theology and natural philosophy instilled in (or restored by) the Noachide Code"...


Rachel Trubowitz. "Reading Milton and Newton in the Radical Reformation: Poetry, Mathematics, and Religion". The University of New Hampshire. 2017. Retrieved 08/02/2020 from:

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