Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Islam fulfills the Noahide vision says Jewish delegation to Al-Azhar Muslim University
Chabad of Poway shooting victim uses tragedy to promote Noahide Law and anti-gentile Rabbi
Poway victim’s husband wants world to learn from Lubavitcher Rebbe’s teachings
Howard Kaye says writings of Menachem Mendel Schneerson hold ‘the potential to stop the next atrocity’
“In trying to understand the root cause of the atrocity that took Lori’s life and, even more urgently, in seeking to prevent the next Poway from occurring, it became clear to me that Lori’s killer was motivated by anti-Semitic hatred,” he writes.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The Jewish messiah will rule the world under Noahide Law says Rabbi

Do We Really Need Moshiach?
Saturday, July 27, 2019
US Congress opened at least 9 times with Noahide prayer
Rabbi Moshe Feller
The House met at 2 p.m.
Rabbi Moshe Feller, director, Upper
Midwest Merkos-Lubavitch, Twin
Cities, MN, offered the following
Almighty God, the Members of this august body, the U.S. House of Representatives, convene here to fulfill one of the seven Biblical commandments which You issued to all man- kind: that all societies must govern by just laws.
At the dawn of civilization, as related in Genesis and its sacred commentaries, You issued seven commandments which came to be known as the Seven Noahide Laws:
To worship You alone and not to serve idols,
Never to blaspheme Your Holy Name,
Not to murder,
Not to commit adultery,
Not to steal,
Not to be cruel to any living creature, and
That every society govern by just laws which are based in the recognition
of You, 0 God, as the Sovereign Ruler of all men and nations.
Grant us, Almighty God, that those assembled here to enact the laws which govern this blessed country be cognizant of Your presence, and conduct their deliberations accordingly. Bless them with good health, wisdom, compassion, good cheer, and good fellowship. May they constantly realize that in laboring for the enactment of just laws they are doing Your will. Amen.
Rabbi Shmuel Butman
The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was
called to order by the President pro
tempore (Mr. STEVENS).
The PRESIDENT pro tempore. This morning, we have the privilege of being
led in prayer by our guest Chaplain Rabbi Shmuel Butman from the Lubavitch Youth Organization of New York City.
The guest Chaplain offered the following prayer:
Ovinu Shebashomayim, our Heavenly Father.
We pray to You today, 3 days before the 104th birthday of the Lubacitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Manachem M Schneerson. The Rebbe reached out to all people and inspired all people throughout the world, regardless of race, religion, color, and creed, to reach a greater level of observance and service. The Rebbe said that this is the last generation of exile and the first generation of redemption and that each one of us can bring the redemption even closer by doing more deeds of goodness and kindness. The Rebbe also encouraged the observance of the Seven Noahide Laws, or the Seven Universal Laws, which are the basis of any decent and civilized society.
In the merit of the Rebbe, we ask You, Almighty God, to bestow Your blessings on the Members of the Senate and their families and through them on all the people in the United States of America for peace, contentment, and fulfillment in all their endeavors, in joy, in happiness, and in gladness of heart.
In honor of the Rebbe, I want to do an act of goodness and kindness. I want to put a dollar in a pishky, in the charity box. May God bless you, all of you.
Thank you.
Rabbi Shea Harlig
HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—Thursday, March 15, 2007
Rabbi Shea Harlig, Chabad of Southern Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada, offered
the following prayer:
Almighty God, the Members of this prestigious body, the U.S. Congress, convene here to fulfill one of the seven Noahide commandments: the commandment to govern by just laws which are based in the recognition of You, God, as the sovereign ruler of all people and nations.
We the citizens of this blessed country proudly proclaim this recognition and our commitment to justice in our Pledge of Allegiance—‘‘one Nation under God, with liberty and justice for all.’’
Grant us, Almighty God, that those assembled here be aware of Your presence and conduct their deliberations accordingly. Bless them with good health, wisdom, compassion, and good fellowship.
On the eve of Passover, the Festival of Freedom, I beseech You, Almighty God, to bless and protect our troops and our entire Nation whom our esteemed spiritual leader, The Lubavitcher Rebbe, labeled ‘‘a nation of kindness’’ with freedom from terrorism.
Indeed ‘‘God Bless America.’’
Rabbi Shea Harlig
US Senate-THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2009
prayer will be offered by our guest
Chaplain, Rabbi Shea Harlig, spiritual
leader of Chabad of Southern Nevada.
The guest Chaplain offered the following prayer:
Almighty G-d, the Members of this prestigious body, the U.S. Senate, convene here in the spirit of one of the seven Noahide Laws which were set forth by You as an eternal universal code of ethics for all mankind; that every society be governed by just laws which shall be based in the recognition of You, O G-d, as the Sovereign Ruler of all peoples and all nations. We, the citizens of this blessed country, proudly proclaim this recognition and our commitment to justice in our Pledge of Allegiane—‘‘One Nation, under G-d, with liberty and justice for all.’’
Grant us, Almighty G-d, that those assembled here today be aware of Your presence and conduct their deliberations accordingly. Bless them with good health, wisdom, compassion, and good fellowship.
On this 25th day of June, 2009, which corresponds to the third day of the Hebrew month of Tammuz, we are 15 years—to the day—from the passing of our esteemed spiritual leader, The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of blessed memory, who consistently extolled the virtues of this great land as a ‘‘Nation of Kindness.’’
I beseech You, Almighty G-d, to grant renewed strength and fortitude to all who protect, preserve, and help further these ideals so essential to the dignity of the human spirit. Please grant that our beloved Rebbe’s vision of a world of peace and tranquility— free of war, hatred, and strife—be realized speedily in our days.
G-d bless this hallowed body. G-d bless our troops who stand in defense of this great land. G-d bless the United States of America.
Rabbi Yosef Greenberg
The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Today’s opening prayer will be offered by Rabbi Yosef Greenberg, founder and spiritual leader of the Lubavitch Jewish Center of Alaska in Anchorage, AK.
The guest Chaplain offered the following prayer:
Almighty God, I invoke Your blessing today on this honorable body, the United States Senate. In these troubling times, when misguided people use religion to commit the greatest crimes against humanity by stabbing and murdering innocent men, women, and children in the Middle East, Europe, Israel, the U.S.A., and all over the world, may You grant, Almighty God, that the Members of this honorable body have the wisdom and courage to embody the universal values of the Seven Commandments which You, Almighty God, issued to Noah and his family after the Great Flood, the foremost of which is not to commit murder. Grant, Almighty God, that the Members of the Senate, who assembled here today, to fulfill one of Your Seven Commandments, the Commandment to govern by just laws, understand that the United States has the ability to lead the entire world and be a role model in spreading and incorporating Your Seven Laws, and in doing so, have the power to bring healing and peace to a struggling and broken world that is facing ongoing terror and violence.
Almighty God, I beseech You today to bless the Senate, in the merit of one of the spiritual giants of our time and our Nation, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of saintly blessed memory, who launched the universal campaign to bring the awareness of Your Seven Sacred Laws to all mankind, that we may all see the fulfillment of humanity’s great future, as proclaimed by Isaiah, ‘‘nation shall not lift the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.’’
Rabbi Gershon Avtzon
Rabbi Gershon Avtzon, Yeshivas
Lubavitch Cincinnati, Cincinnati,
Ohio, offered the following prayer:
Almighty God, master of the universe, I invoke Your blessing today on the Members of this honorable institution, the House of Representatives of the United States of America. May they humbly serve their constituencies, aware that creating just legislation is one of the seven laws that You, almighty God, gave all humanity through Noah, as detailed in Genesis.
Almighty God, as a descendant of Chassidic Jews who fled the Stalinist regime that persecuted religious observance, I am especially grateful and blessed to be in America, the nation called the ‘‘country of kindness’’ by the great spiritual leader of our generation, the Lubavitcher Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. We thank you for the freedom we have here to practice our faith, and we pray for those who still suffer persecution around the world.
While legislating, by definition, includes differences of opinion and rigorous debate, I pray that we, nevertheless, anticipate our shared bright future in the time of redemption and, thus, remain ‘‘one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.’’
Rabbi Moshe Feller
Rabbi Moshe Feller opens a session in the Capitol for the tenth time
On Tuesday morning, the veteran Minnesota Chabad emissary who has served in that capacity since 1961, addressed the Creator from the Senate floor, with his son and several grandchildren, Chabad emissaries as well, looking on. “Almighty G‑d, Master of the Universe,” prayed the 84-year-old rabbi, “the Members of this august body, the United States Senate, convene here today to fulfill one of the Seven Commandments which You issued to Noah and his family after the Great Flood: the commandment that all societies be governed by just laws.” Feller went on to specify each of the Seven Noahide Laws of universal morality, concluding, “Grant, Almighty G‑d, that the members of the Senate constantly realize that by enacting just laws, they are doing Your will.”
When Feller reported back to the Rebbe after that first appearance, sponsored by Sen. Rudy Boschwitz (R-Minn.), he brought with him a copy of the Congressional Record, which reproduced the text of his prayer. “The Rebbe wrote to me ‘Tach! Tach! Tach! [a Hebrew acronym for ‘many thanks’] for giving me the news of opening the Senate and especially the beginning of your remarks.’ ” The Rebbe was referring to Feller’s observation before the Senate that their very gathering fulfills one of the Seven Noahide Laws, the imperative to establish just laws for society. “The Rebbe then gave me a directive,” Feller recalls, “ ‘Send your prayer to whoever opens a legislative body—not necessarily the U.S. Senate,’ and that’s what I did for many rabbis. G‑d gave me the idea to open it like that, and the Rebbe was so happy.”
SOURCE: Mendel Super (2022). "At U.S. Senate, a Senior Chabad Rabbi Offers Prayer for the Nation". Chabad. 11 Jan 2022. Retrieved 02/22/22 from:https://www.chabad.org/news/article_cdo/aid/5374608/jewish/At-US-Senate-a-Senior-Chabad-Rabbi-Offers-Prayer-for-the-Nation.htm
Rabbi Mendy Greeberg
Ahead of the upcoming 120th anniversary of the birth of the Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory—the U.S. Senate paid homage to the Rebbe and his influence on humanity at large, when Rabbi Mendy Greenberg, who directs the Mat-Su Jewish Center Chabad Lubavitch in Palmer, Alaska, with his wife, Chaya, opened the Senate in prayer on March 31.
Greenberg opened his remarks with a prayer for Ukraine. “Almighty God, Master of the Universe,” the rabbi began, “we stand before You in prayer in these troubling times when innocent men, women and children have lost their lives and millions fled their homeland due to the catastrophic war in Ukraine. In the words of King David, Psalms, Chapter 121: ‘I lift my eyes to the mountains—from where will my help come? My help will come from the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth.’ ”
Invoking the Torah’s timeless wisdom, Greenberg prayed for the understanding that the “ultimate way to eliminate the cause of war and bring true peace to the world is by embodying the universal values of the seven commandments issued to Noah after the great flood, foremost of which is not to commit murder.”
Greenberg beseeched G‑d to bless the Senate, whose very gathering, he noted, is a fulfillment of one the the seven Noahide laws—the obligation to enact just laws.
The primary force driving the fulfillment of the Noahide laws for the first time in generations is the Rebbe, whose 120th anniversary of birth on the 11th day of the Jewish month of Nissan is being marked on April 12, noted Greenberg.
“In 1978, this honorable body established the Rebbe’s birthday as Education and Sharing Day USA and [it] is proclaimed annually by the President of the United States in recognition of the Rebbe’s global campaign to bring awareness and educate our youth about these ethical values of the Seven Noahide Laws as the basis for a just and compassionate society.
SOURCE: Mendel Supper (2022). "Alaska Rabbi Becomes Youngest Rabbi to Open Congress in Prayer". Chabad. 4 April 2022. Retrieved 4/8/22 from: https://www.chabad.org/news/article_cdo/aid/5483715/jewish/Alaska-Rabbi-Becomes-Youngest-Rabbi-to-Open-Congress-in-Prayer.htm
Rabbi Mendy Deitsch
January 25, 2024
VIDEO: https://t.me/NWO7NoahideLawsChat/51427
PRAYER; Congressional Record Vol. 170, No. 14
(Senate - January 25, 2024)
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[Page S255] From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov] PRAYER The PRESIDING OFFICER. Our guest Chaplain, Rabbi Mendy Deitsch, the Director of Chabad of the East Valley from Chandler, AZ, will open the Senate in prayer. The guest chaplain offered the following prayer: God of Heaven, Master of the world, please grace this distinguished, exalted United States Senate. Give blessings upon these distinguished individuals, chosen by so many who have entrusted them with the responsibility of legislating for the well-being of their constituents and families. While each of us may come from different backgrounds, we stand here united with a shared vision and purpose, with conviction and determination, with love and strength, to ensure that each day is better than the day before. As my revered teacher, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, said: Though humanity's origin began in a perfect world, human shortcomings led to its failings. Yet it is through human goodness and kindness that we can reveal G-d in this beautiful world, his dwelling place on Earth with the redemptive time of the coming of Moshiach. Almighty God, may those gathered here remain mindful of Your presence as they work to enact just laws, the process of which itself is one of the seven Noahide Laws given to You and all mankind, and align it with Your will to foster a peaceful and harmonious world. Please let us see more peaceful days soon, with the safe return of those being held hostage as well as the dedicated men and women of our Armed Forces battling evil at this time. Bestow upon them wisdom, justice, grace, and empathy. Bless our leaders with good health, compassion and joy, enabling them to bring honor to the United States and to Your Name the blessings to mankind as they fulfill Your divine will. Amen.