The highest authority on Jewish law both inside and outside of Israel is the Sanhedrin. While there is no official Sanhedrin at this time, there is a body which is seeking to gain recognition from the world under the same name, and their stated agenda is to destroy all other faiths other than Noahidism (here). Just to remind my readers, I have explained that it is not even necessary to have a Sanhedrin to enact Noahide Law (here), so the idea that an unofficial Sanhedrin cannot pass out Noahide judgements is false. This Sanhedrin has invited the world to its 70 Nations conference (here) which focuses on the world's supposed obligation to uphold the Noahide Laws; laws which limit freedom of religion, speech, and sexuality... these are to be upheld by Noahide courts which would pass out the death penalty to offenders such as pagans, Christian, atheist, and homosexuals. This same Sanhedrin is planning an animal sacrifice on Sept 26th to kick off their plan to establish an international Noahide court in Jerusalem, overseen by the nascent Sanhedrin which has already received property under the Temple Mount. Official delegates are attending from many South American countries and the event will also be attended by the World Noahide Center, a Noahide conversion program that has the official blessing of the Israeli government and Netanyahu (here). Again the event will focus on the Noahide Laws which both Judaism and the nascent Sanhedrin say are "incumbent" upon all mankind. The event will culminate in an animal sacrifice on the Mount of Olives.
Nations Invited for Animal Sacrifice on Mount of Olives Renewing Noah’s Covenant
And you shall declare to them: Thus said Hashem: I am going to take B’nei Yisrael from among the nations they have gone to, and gather them from every quarter, and bring them to their own land. Ezekiel 37:21 (The Israel Bible™)

Lighting the fire on the Altar for the Third Temple for the first time (Photo Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz/Breaking Israel News)
On September 25, the 5,780th anniversary of the day on which Jewish tradition holds the world was created, the Sanhedrin is holding a conference for the emerging Organization of 70 Nations. The conference will culminate in an animal sacrifice made by representatives of the nations on the Mount of Olives in which they will renew the covenant made by Noah upon leaving the Ark.
The Conference and 70 Nations
The conference will begin on Wednesday evening, September 25, the 25th day of the Hebrew month of Elul at the Jerusalem Gate Hotel and continue until Friday, September 27. Lectures and discussions will focus on the Noahide obligations incumbent upon all of mankind. Also discussed will be the universal economic, cultural, educational that should be the focus of such an organization. A major focus will also be the establishment of an international court based on Bible principles.
God established the borders of the world based on the 70 children of Israel who went down to Egypt and the 70 nations that came out from Noah. The concept of 70 nations also appears in reference to the 70 oxen offered in the Temple throughout Sukkot (the feast of the tabernacles) which the Talmud (Sukkah 55b) teaches are for the merit of the 70 nations.
The organization emphasizes that every nation will keep its unique and distinct national identity, cultural heritage, language, and recognized borders.
In attendance will be official representatives of several nations: Representing Guatemala, Vice president of the Republic of Guatemala Jafeth Ernesto Cabrera Franco as well as several of his advisers. There will also be official delegations from El Salvador, Mexico, Honduras, Bolivia, Trinidad Tobago, and Costa Rica. Many other countries have yet to commit to attending. Several of the delegates are parliamentarians of their respective countries.
Universal Prayer
The first day of the conference will end with a joint prayer by all the participants. Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander, the Sanhedrin’s Foreign Minister has been tasked with composing the unique prayer for the special occasion.
“Religion is a difficult word,” Rabbi Hollander said. “An individual does not need a religion to relate to God. Adam did not need religion to speak to God. Religion is an activity that a community does together. Nations were established with Noah and then there became a need for religion. We need to come together as distinct nations and religions.”
“A nation has the attributes that define it but it also needs a religion,” Rabbi Hollander said, suggesting that the United Nations lacked this attribute. “An organization of nations necessarily needs to be religious, 70 nations under God, but not any specific common religion.”
Noahide Principles Incumbent on all of Mankind
Much of the conference will be dedicated to the seven principles incumbent upon all mankind given to Noah after the Biblical flood. A lecture on the subject will be given by the chairman of Brit Olam – Noahide World Center Rabbi Oury Cherki. Rabbi Hollander, who also sits on the board of the Brit Olam organization, is convinced that universal adherence to the Noahide laws is necessary for the existence of civilization.
“If you read history you will see that the Hebraicists of the 17th century believed in a minimum basis which society needs in order to exist,” Rabbi Hollander said. “This is clearly true in the Noahide law to establish courts of law. All of the laws are required by a nation and not by an individual. An international, or multinational organization, needs to establish the basics required for the survival of civilization.”
Knesset and Sacrifice
As part of the conference, the representatives will visit the Temple Mount and pay an official visit to the Knesset with the Sanhedrin.
On Friday, the conference will culminate in a trip to the Mount of Olives where the nations will be invited to reenact the ceremony first performed by Noah upon exiting the Ark.
Then Noach built an altar to Hashem and, taking of every clean animal and of every clean bird, he offered burnt offerings on the altar. Genesis 8:20
The ceremony will renew the covenant made between mankind and God at that time.
“I now establish My covenant with you and your offspring to come, and with every living thing that is with you—birds, cattle, and every wild beast as well—all that have come out of the ark, every living thing on earth. I will maintain My covenant with you: never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of a flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” Genesis 9:9-11
This sacrifice made by Noah was a Korban Olah (a sacrifice that goes up), a tribute to God that was entirely burnt on the altar.
“Just as Noah was not Jewish but was a servant of God, this ceremony is a declaration that mankind is serving Hashem (God, literally, ‘the name’),” Rabbi Weiss explained. The altar must be built and the sacrifice made by someone from the nations who keeps the seven Noahide laws. It is still unclear
“This is a religious act but not for any specific religion,” Rabbi Weiss said. “This is a meta-religion, not a global religion, which is inherent in every person and expressed in his own way. The world needs to return to religion. Rejecting religion, rejecting God, is a sickness that is afflicting the world. Secularism rejects human values. The UN declared abortion and euthanasia to be human rights. This is a sign of sickness. The concept of family, a father, and mother, is a basic human quality reinforced by religion and rejected by secularism. The concept of belonging to a nation, to a tribe, to a people, is rejected by secularism. Man was given the mandate to care for the world but they have turned people into animals and animals into people. It is impossible to continue like this.”
Return of the Lost Ten Tribes
Another purpose of the conference and the organization of the 70 Nations is to begin the return of the lost ten-tribes of Israel.
“The establishment of the modern State of Israel began the process of the ingathering of the exiles,” Rabbi Weiss explained. “In the past, people who were descended from Jews would fade away and never return. We are blessed to live in an age when so many of these people are discovering their roots in the Jewish people and are reconnecting to this. But the next step is to raise awareness so that the lost ten-tribes of Israel can return as well, as prophesied.”
And you shall declare to them: Thus said Hashem: I am going to take B’nei Yisrael from among the nations they have gone to, and gather them from every quarter, and bring them to their own land. Ezekiel 37:21
Towards this end, Rabbi Eliyahu Birnbaum who travels the world looking for hidden descendants of Jews will be the first keynote speaker to address the conference.
The 70 Nations initiative began last year at the World Creation Concert when high-ranking delegations from Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico signed a declaration saying:
“We, as representatives of our nations, declare that according to the laws of Torah that God to Moses at Mount of Sinai, and according to the prophets of Israel and all the books of the Bible we wish to accompany the people of God, the people of Israel, to the place chosen by God, the Temple on Mount, Moriah, the place of binding the of Isaac.“All this in order to serve only the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as it is written:‘That my house will becalled a house of prayer to ALL peoples’We are all gathered together in the name of peace and love with the people of Israel in the courtyards of the House of God as the sages of Israel and to fulfill the messianic vision of peace.”God blessed Abraham by saying, ‘They that will bless you will be blessed.’ We pray that by blessing Israel today, we, in turn, will be blessed.”
Seventy Nations: Principles
The Seventy Nations organization is directed at all of mankind who accept G-d as the creator of the world and who recognize his leadership as He appears in the annals of the world and the universe. The Bible relates to God as He is known in the individual lives of all beings, in the history and language of all nations both for creating and destroying, for reward and for punishment. Just as God reveals Himself in the Bible and declares His laws and precepts, so the purpose of man in history to serve Him through the medium of the Temple as He wills it, and through the power of His holiness that comes from Zion.
All humanity, all Peoples both individually and in multi-faceted groupings, are descendants of Adam and Eve. All were created in the image of G-d and called “Man”. All humanity survived the “flood” and committed themselves to follow the joint covenant with G-d by following those basic laws and precepts whose violation brought on the destruction of mankind in the time of Noah. And to await for G-d’s mercy.
The basic breaches of G-d’s laws are the following: revolt against G-d, lack of justice, forbidden sexual relations, murder, stealing and robbery, worshipping a false G-d, inflicting damage to life as it is lived through illegal and unbridled greed.
These breaches in a positive tone are expressed as the covenant of the Noachites.
The Seventy Nations organization envisions the redemption and rehabilitation of man and the whole world. It respects the honor of all mankind, the family, tribe, the country, and the state and their individual and collective freedoms. It carries out this principle by protecting the rights and obligations of all in an equal manner according to the laws of the Bible and international justice based on the Bible.
The organization will concern itself with the protection of the globe, the just distribution of resources and the avoidance of theft and the results of excessive greed.
The organization will protect the culture, the language, the territories and borders of all nations, states, and societies.
The organization does not accept rule of man over man of any kind.
The organization recognizes and accepts the concept of the uniqueness of the people of Israel according to the laws of the Bible, It expects that the people of Israel and its leaders will operate according to the will behave according to the expections from a nation of a society of priests and a holy people.
The Essence of the organization
An international court will sit in Jerusalem and judge according to the important and recognized laws of the Bible as adjusted to actual facts of life.
All members of the organization, states, nations, ethnic groups, tribes will have a seat and equal voting powers in the court of law as long as they accompany the people of Israeli as it appears in the covenant composed by the Sanhedrin in 2018 and signed by a number of countries.
The Seventy Nations and the nations that signed the original covenant mentioned above will compose the court and all decisions will be decided upon by a simple majority vote.
The role of the Sanhedrin will be to consult with and advise the court but the Sanhedrin cannot force its opinion upon the court. It will have one seat and one vote on the court.
All decisions will be made according to a vote including all members.
If more than seventy bodies join the organization the court will determine the division of seats.
All members of the organization will cooperate in building the Temple on Mount Moriah according to their own individual desires and can visit it as they choose when it is built.
All are Invited
The general public is invited to take part in the conference by signing up in advance by contacting arranged in advance by contacting Ayal Be’eri (Tel. 054-534-3545) with a NIS 100 enrollment fee. Three festive meals at the hotel are available by advance order for NIS 160 per meal. Transportation to the Temple Mount is available by prearrangement for NIS 50. Transportation to the Mount of Olives Noahide ceremony is available for NIS 70. Inquiries or pre-orders can be emailed to
Author’s Note: There have been many comments and questions concerning the sacrifice. The source for performing it is as follows: Rambam Mishneh Torah – Maaseh Hakorbanot 19:16
Gentiles are permitted to offer burnt offerings to God in all places, provided they sacrifice them on a raised structure that they build. It is forbidden to help them [offer these sacrifices] or act as agents for them, for we are forbidden to sacrifice outside [the Temple Courtyard]. It is permitted to instruct them and teach them how to sacrifice to the Almighty, blessed be He
Gentiles are permitted to offer burnt offerings to God in all places, provided they sacrifice them on a raised structure that they build. It is forbidden to help them [offer these sacrifices] or act as agents for them, for we are forbidden to sacrifice outside [the Temple Courtyard]. It is permitted to instruct them and teach them how to sacrifice to the Almighty, blessed be He
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